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Type : Album
Source : Bandcamp
Date de sortie : 6 mai 2022
I would like to dedicate this album in memory of David Freel - thanks for making me laugh right up to the end!

Special thanks to :
Xavier Mathes for always being my go-to guy.
Troy von Balthazar for the inspiration, the push and for the extra notes.
Sylvain Touillon for being (Voir plus) my fan and an outstanding person.

Thanks to my friends who participated in big and small ways – Tamara Krivanek, Paul Inskip, Chris Purcell, Olivier Le Blouch, Jean-Phi Martin, Seb Miel, Mathias "Tobias" Liberman, Corey Steward ,and my family for putting up with me.

And of course, thanks to Julien Bougel, Eric Deleporte, Gérald Luc, Julien Retaillaud, Fabien Mallen, Xavier Mathes, Olivier Boutry, Vince Upper Hill, Aurelien Dyjak, Marko, Cyril Douay, Nicolas Labatut, and Eric Sennevoight.
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Cha_Beat ☺️🎶🎧

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